Our third full day at sea as we made our way to Campbell Island from the Ross Sea had lots to offer. With winds gusting to 50 knots and steady at 35 knots nearly all day and seas of 4-6 meters, we were reminded of the fact that the Southern Ocean is a wild, and at times, unforgiving body of water. Despite the apparent intensity of the conditions outside, National Geographic Endurance and its occupants handled the seas in good fashion.

Throughout the day various species of sea birds passed by or accompanied us as we made our way. A mix of the albatrosses and petrels that call these windswept waters home made for welcome company. Twelve species in total were seen throughout the day, making it our most productive day thus far in terms of diversity. This is attributed to the fact that we are slowly making our way to the heartland. This is where many of these marvelous bird species make their home, the New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands.

In preparation for our arrival to Campbell Island, a mandatory briefing on biosecurity was given to the guests and a demonstration on bio decontamination followed. It included cleaning all outer wear and gear to reduce the risk of us introducing unwanted foreign species to this fragile ecosystem. A series of presentations was also in order for the day, culminating in a fun-filled, lighthearted round of Antarctic Trivia after our dinner.