We spent our final day in Antarctica exploring the incredible landscape and geology of Deception Island, an active, arc-shaped volcano in the Bransfield Straight.

We started our morning hiking on volcanic cinder cones and exploring the protected waters in Zodiacs. In the afternoon, we explored the 100-year-old buildings and whale bones left over from a whaling outpost in the aptly named, Whaler’s Cove. Here, some guests chose to hike up to the top of another volcanic mound, while others explored the steaming beaches heated by the underlying geothermal activity. As we prepared to reboard National Geographic Explorer, the winds and snow picked up, treating us to a final Antarctic blizzard before beginning our journey north.

Grateful for the warmth and safety of the ship’s cozy interiors, we bid farewell to the White Continent and headed out to sea for our final crossing of the Drake Passage.