The prospect of having two days at sea might be daunting to some but for the modern explorer it should be a welcome and infrequent break to think and place the previous weeks of traveling into perspective. Very rarely these days we expose ourselves to this kind of idle time, submerged in the fury of connectivity and restlessness that comes with our modern lifestyle. To some it might be just some time that needs to pass quickly to go back home, but for most it opens the opportunity to wrap around ideas, images, or memories of the amazing days spent in South Georgia. For some, even, it is a transcendental part of the trip as the Southern Ocean is the place to find and experience some of the most remarkable creatures that roam our planet. Wandering, black-browed, and light-mantled albatross, assorted petrels, and even some oceanic-going hourglass dolphins were spotted from the bridge during the day in a magnificent display of what these waters have to offer.

The beauty of the many sites we visited during this trip and the seemingly immeasurable amount of wildlife that lives there must not be taken for granted. As humans, we have had a radical impact in most environments of the planet, even these ones that seem so remote and apparently pristine. It seems we are finally coming to the realization that we also need healthy oceans to survive as species so an important final component of coming to visit these latitudes is the compromise to try to help preserve them for future generations. This is something that our naturalists have tried to convey through multiple presentations and lectures but mostly by the engaging enthusiasm demonstrated for nature and its wonders during our daily outings and ocean crossings. Hopefully the wonders of the Southern Ocean will persevere to keep amazing people for generations to come.