This morning we disembarked with the hopes of finding Galapagos giant tortoise on our walk at Urbina bay on Isabela Island; as soon as we started our walk we found a young tortoise drinking from a small rain puddle, right next to it there was a big male munching on poison apples that are a delicacy to them. A few meters later, we found another and another some of them, where even leading the walk in total we found 13 giant tortoises, according to our young explorers that were doing the counting.  Not to say the least the huge colorful land iguanas were also basking themselves along the trail so everyone was able to photograph these yellow dragons.

In the afternoon the kayak session was a great success, not to mention the Zodiac ride where the saw at least 20 penguins that had just arrived from their fishing adventure. The walk along the trail of Tagus cove was a great way to end the day with Darwin finches and mockingbirds singing in order to attract a partner.