If I had to start today all over again, I would probably do things exactly the same! What a phenomenal day we just had!

We started by waking up to a dense fog that revealed an Amazonian forest that we didn’t even know it existed. The mist was covering the treetops giving a mystical view to the area. We boarded the skiffs early in the morning and headed to explore a place known as Atun Poza. This location is far up the Ucayali River and offered, even with the mist, great views of different species that inhabit the Amazonian forest.

Toucans and hawks were some of the birds spotted as we traveled gently along the calm waters of the creek, but the highlight was definitely having breakfast right in the forests on board our skiffs, with a view that I doubt could be found in any restaurant in the world!

During the afternoon we enjoyed a scenic ride aboard the skiffs, as we traveled to the furthest area that we would reach during this trip in the Amazon, known as Pacaya River. Its clear “dark” waters (if that makes any sense!) were reflecting a perfect image of the surface, providing an explanation to what the locals denominate as the jungle of mirrors.

It was by the end of our ride that we found a lagoon known as Yanayacu. Its perfectly clear waters were so inviting that the majority of us jumped in to enjoy a refreshing swim among river dolphins.

The fact that the river has piranhas did not stop our guests from jumping in the water, or perhaps it was the fact that I forgot to mention this detail before we jumped, but in any case we all loved the swimming!

Piranhas indeed exist in the Amazon River and all its tributaries, but they are just as harmless as any other fish to humans. The living proof is that we were all in the water and all returned to our skiffs with all our limbs!

Our skiff ride in and out Zapote River was full of encounters with wildlife, as we observed hundreds of birds flying alongside the skiff, including Jabiru and hundreds of great egrets.

As if this was not enough, the appearance of several species of primates, such as the brown capuchin, howler, and squirrel monkeys, was the perfect ending to a perfect day!