Today was a fun day as we woke up and found ourselves surrounded with lava flows. Today we were lucky for some of us were able to snorkel with Galápagos penguins.

Our day started soon after breakfast, when a Zodiac ride took us closer to the action and we saw all kinds of camouflaged wildlife over the brand new lava rock. Lizards, common noddies, pelicans, the Galápagos penguin and hawks. The hawks were the highlight for there was a female eating while two of her partners took turns copulating. Also the turquoise water in the channel as we explored the shoreline was beautiful.

Back onboard and suited for snorkeling we went to one side of Santiago Island and saw many impressive underwater creatures, like the white-tipped reef sharks, penguins, rays, turtles, and fish of all kinds.

As we had lunch the ship repositioned to our next destination on Sullivan Bay, located on James Island, which is our adopted island.

Meanwhile we had a presentation about a man who changed the world, the famous Charles Darwin. Finches, Darwin and biology will always be linked to the Galápagos Islands.

We observed lava flows with many different textures as we walked for about 1.5 miles, which took almost three hours. It was like an endless array of designs and textures right under our feet.

This expedition has bonded all our guests into one fun group full of conversation and laughter every day. We are so happy to be part of such an event. Tomorrow is our last full day on the islands, and I wish that all of our travelers can make it back here someday.