The morning announcement came earlier than usual this morning. “Orcas off of the bow,” was delivered over the ship speakers. Orcas can show up anywhere at any time, and we did not want to miss this opportunity. Many guests made their way to the bow to see these emblematic animals.

Shortly after enjoying the world’s largest species of dolphin, we tucked into Takatz Bay on the east side of Baranof Island. The sheltered bay was placid. Hermit thrushes and varied thrushes sang from hemlocks and spruces from beyond the shore. Snowy peaks rose out of low gray clouds, but enough light penetrated the clouds to give the landscape a glow.

The morning was spent doing Zodiac tours, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Guests were able to explore the coves of the bay; many came back to report having moments listening to nothing but natural sounds. Just as the last of us were returning to the ship for lunch, a boat driven by Andy Zabbo appeared. Andy is a local researcher focusing on humpback whales, and he came to present on the research. Afterwards, we set a course for the town of Petersburg while searching for humpback whales and wildlife.