One of our most memorable moments was transiting the Panama Canal and exploring the waters of Gatun Lake. With a spectacular sunrise and the enthusiasm of our guests, we began our exploration. One group visited the trails of Barro Colorado Island, the most studied tropical rainforest on the American continent. The island has been researched since 1923. A second group headed towards Gamboa. Considered the geographic center of the Panama Canal, it is full of biodiversity and history. We enjoyed a beautiful nature walk and spotted interesting birds, monkeys, sloths, and transiting vessels. One of our most special sightings was a huge boa constrictor crossing the road at the end of our excursion.

There have been so many great moments this week, and we enjoyed our voyage. After our navigation, we arrived at Cristobal Port on the Caribbean side. We are now observing the impressive logistics of this port. It has been a great experience!