Delfin II was bathed in golden light from the rising sun behind the thick jungle. As the first light of day appeared, our guests prepared to explore Clavero Lake. To our surprise, we encountered several pink and gray river dolphins fishing at the mouth of the oxbow lake, where black and white waters mingle. An osprey flew by, and a black-collared hawk called from a nearby tree. This all unfolded as small dugout canoes, emerging from the tall grass, revealed themselves. A young fisherman from one of the canoes presented us with the catch of the morning: a red-bellied piranha. And we hadn't even had breakfast yet. What a morning!

In the afternoon, we explored Supay Creek. Some of our guests chose to kayak through the blackwater rivers winding through the forest, where they had a delightful encounter with gray river dolphins. Later, we all boarded the skiffs and ventured deeper into the creek. After spotting many hawks and pink river dolphins, we discovered a beautiful lagoon surrounded by camu camu berries, a staple fruit in the diet of the Amazonians. As the sun neared the horizon, we returned to the ship with smiles on our faces.