What a wonderful day to visit the small island of Bartolome. We disembarked early in the morning and climbed a wooden staircase to reach the summit of this volcanic island. We were surprised with a mesmerizing view of volcanic formations. Pinnacle Rock is a striking example of a tuff cone and the perfect target for guests who love photography.

A Zodiac ride was offered, and we observed Galapagos penguins, blue-footed boobies, and bottlenose dolphins. This unique experience was so special, and we sailed beside them while they fed and played.

With the sun shining, we went to the ocean to snorkel. It was a beautiful experience with colorful fish and sharks as the main surprises.

During lunch, National Geographic Islander II sailed toward our next destination, Santa Cruz Island. A dry landing and a rocky terrain led us to the territory of Galapagos land iguanas. The iguanas rested in the shade of the bushes. The lush vegetation at this time of year offers lots of food, so the iguanas were plump and relaxed. They were perfect models for great pictures. What a way of ending an amazing first day in the Galapagos Islands.