Our last day exploring the paradise of the Pacaya Samiria Wildlife Refuge began with an early skiff exploration through Iricahua Creek. This is an important tributary that feeds the Ucayali River. In this area, our skiffs made their way through a dense varzea or flooded forest.

It was a morning loaded with lots of sightings of birds. The iconic and colorful paradise tanager caught the attention of our guests for its unique 7 colors. Many others, like the purple-throated cotinga left our guests mesmerized, too.

Back on board, as we navigated towards our afternoon destination, our bartender shared his knowledge on how to prepare a good pisco sour. After this class, we all gathered at the bow of Delfin II and cheered, for we had reached the confluence where the Ucayali and Maranon Rivers merge to create the Amazon River. It was a wonderful moment to be grateful for because we have had an amazing journey.

Our day ended with an interesting visit to the Amazona community. In this village our guests had the opportunity to learn how the local people survive hand in hand with nature. It was a lifechanging experience for each of our guests.