For the early morning we begin with a walk on the island of Bartolomé. The island was named after an officer of the Beagle, the ship that navigated to the islands in 1835 with the famous naturalist Charles Darwin on board. It’s a small Island located at the eastern coast of one of largest islands in the archipelago, Santiago. An example of the recent lava flows in the archipelago, this small volcanic formation enhanced the picture of the islands as it looked like a piece of rock in the middle of the ocean as it formed.  The walk is great to learn about pioneer plants, volcanic features, and fascinating landscaping. When the adventure finished on the island the explorers walked to the landing site of the island to catch the Zodiac and ride back to the ship for breakfast.

Later we began an aquatic adventure on the same island. We took the glass bottom boat along the coast and snorkeled off the beach for the observation of tropical fish and other marine attractions until noon when we got ready and went back onboard for lunch.

The afternoon begins with deep water snorkeling at Sombrero Chino. Shallow water areas are the destination of the explorers that one more time go looking for all the marine attractions in the channel separating Santiago and Sombrero Chino. Here there are not only the fish but sharks rays and fast Galapagos penguins that made the expedition exceptional for everyone. In the end our expedition leader planned a Zodiac ride to end the day in most fantastic way with penguins and sea lions lit up by a gorgeous sunset that is now in the memories we are taking back home.