Today we disembarked early in the morning at Bartolomew Island. What a beautiful feeling, to be riding a Zodiac towards this island; the light was amazing, the ocean was calm, and the sun was gentle. Today we learned about the pioneer vegetation, the amazing species that can survive with very little water and extreme sunshine on the lava fields. We had the opportunity to get up close and observe the very small flowers of Tiquilia galapagoa, for example, which actually represents one of the food sources of the lava lizard present on this island.

The landscape was amazing, scoria lava fields, spatter cones, and tuff formations are everywhere, showing us the way the islands must have looked back when they had just emerged from the water. Walking up the stairs and hiking through these unusual formations was an exceptional experience. At the summit, we were able to see Santiago Island from the distance. The different colors of the lava fields, red, black and gray, contrasted with the turquoise and deep blue color of the ocean that surrounded us. Amazing pictures were taken, and extraordinary memories were created. 

Afterwards, we went swimming and snorkeling from the beach, surrounding Pinnacle Rock. We had the privilege of spotting a Galapagos penguins on the rocks, as well as a Galapagos hawk in the sky and white tip sharks under the water, and a great diversity of fish species.

We made our way back to the ship feeling very satisfied. Our experiences today on this island felt complete, from very early in the morning until the late afternoon, the amazing landscapes, and the presence of unique species. This is an unforgettable trip, and we are looking forward to see what our Galapagos exploration will bring tomorrow.