This morning before breakfast we explored Belluda Creek, a tributary of the Ucayali River. The moment we boarded the skiffs we had our first encounter with the wildlife in this area. A few feet from the shore we spotted a green iguana on a small bush, basking in the first sunlight of the morning to warm up and start its day. Shortly afterwards we observed some toucans on a tall tree, singing and flying above us.

The shore of the creek was full of wading birds such as great egrets and cocoi herons, the largest in the Upper Amazon. We also observed small herons and egrets all around. The muddy shore was teeming with small flycatchers as well. We spotted a number of kingfisher species, including ringed, Amazon, and green kingfishers. The forest was quiet and cool at this hour, as the sun was rising and shedding its light through the tiny spaces among the trees. However, at the riverside there were plenty of birds just starting their morning activities.

After breakfast we explored the forest. Here we went for a walk to discover what was under the big trees and vines and palms. As we walked we observed big nests of army ants; we also learned about the large trees and their medicinal value for the local communities.

At the end of the morning walk we started navigation to our next stop: Yarapa Creek in the region of Paranapura, for afternoon activities. This is another great place for bird watching among the surrounding forest and shore grasses. Here we observed a new forest in the process of forming, due to the path of the river and the annual changes to its natural course. In this way lagoons are formed surrounded by forest and swamps, which are the right conditions for the giant lily pads known as Victorias regias! Once we visited the giant lilies, we boarded our fleet of skiffs to search for more forest creatures. Today was amazing from the early morning start with plenty of wildlife sightings, and this afternoon was no exception — we soon encountered a troop of wooly monkeys with a baby! What could be better than that?

What an amazing day!