No time to waste in the Upper Amazon… the earlier the better! We left the ship at 6:30 a.m. to explore Belluda Caño. Macaws were spotted in the distance from our skiffs; we identified some different species of birds and then finally found some Night Owl Monkeys. We left our skiff to have a closer look by walking on the mud; these cute creatures were observing us from a hole in a tree with their huge eyes.

We came back for breakfast and then had some activities onboard. We have been enjoying the most interesting Origami folding towels so we learned how to do them! We learned too about the exotic fruits of the area, and then we finally arrived to our next destination, El Dorado.

Skiff time! We boarded our skiffs and went to explore this area. Our goal: Caimans! We stayed until the sun disappeared from the horizon and then with special lights we explored the area. We spotted fishing bats and of course caimans! We found caimans in the water and caimans on land as well. What a chance for nature photography! We observed some fish jumping out of the water, for sure chased by a predator. The Southern Cross showed us our way home, as the night was amazing, far away from the light pollution we could see the stars like nowhere else!

What a night… what a day! What a place the Amazon is!