Everyone who visits the Amazon has a different reason for visiting and will have different highlights of each and every day. Some are interested in wildlife, others photography. Many focus on the cultural interactions with the local people and the amazing life they live along the rivers. Others enjoy the forest—being in it and the many little things amongst the massive trees. Today was a day for enjoying all of these things. 

Wildlife was a main focus of the day, from sunrise to sunset. To begin our day, we enjoyed blue-and-yellow macaws perched in some palm trees. From there, we searched for and found one of the smallest monkeys in the world, the pygmy marmoset. Taking to the skiffs, a narrow stream contained many more birds and monkeys, and for a few, a quick view of some giant river otters. As darkness enveloped the forest, we enjoyed many caiman emerging to hunt in the night. 

Throughout our day, we continued to learn about the lives of the ribereños, or people living along the river. They live a fascinating life dictated by the ever-changing rivers. Many were out planting today, as water levels are dropping exposing the perfect places for crops. Others were harvesting citrus and preparing it for market. And many were fishing, taking advantage of the rich waters here. One large catfish was an excellent catch! 

And then there is the forest. Many of us went for an adventure walk today in an area that has only been recently exposed by the dropping water levels. We enjoyed muddy trails, but even more so all the amazing wonders of the forest. Massive trees contained tunnels amongst their roots, while others spread like “jungle gyms.” Freshwater snails, orange cup fungi, and beautiful red seeds were some of the little things. The sounds, sights, and smells were all an incredible experience. 

A very diverse day!