It was an overcast morning when we explored a lovely tributary of the Ucayali River, Belluda Creek. All geared up on the skiffs, we left Delfin II, eager to see what nature had in store during this pre-breakfast exploration. Nature gave us lovely sightings of colorful birds, and we met several locals heading out for their morning activities.

After breakfast, we hiked a trail in a varzea forest. Our naturalist taught us about the important life cycle of the trees and shrubs in this type of forest. The sounds of the forest caught our attention as a troop of common squirrel monkeys passed rapidly overhead. What a morning!

Late in the afternoon, we explored Dorado River. More birds showed up as we cruised on our skiffs through the flooded forest. At dusk, our naturalists brought out the spotlights and began to look for red eyes as we returned to Delfin II. A couple of spectacled caimans were sighted as a gentle rain made our return even more delightful.