After an unforgettable journey on the Antarctic Peninsula, the ship began its transit back to Ushuaia. The morning commenced with a warm welcome and an amazing breakfast. After breakfast, the team of naturalists shared presentations on a variety of topics. As the ship gracefully navigated the start of the legendary Drake Passage, an unexpected serenity prevailed, gifting travelers with a smooth crossing marked by minimal wind and gentle waves. On deck, naturalists and guests worked to photograph the soaring seabirds. Albatrosses and petrels soared overhead, providing a glimpse into the region's rich diversity.

As day transitioned into evening, the expedition took a delightful turn with the much-anticipated Filipino dinner and crew show. The crew showcased their talents, fostering a sense of community among guests. The evening culminated with a conga line and laughter, and the galley delighted palates with fresh, locally-inspired cuisine. Guests finally retired as the crew show ended. As the ship moves towards Ushuaia, guests are preparing for their trips home and the holiday festivities once they arrive.