The morning was all soft weather and cool temperatures, and as is usual aboard National Geographic Sea Bird the day just got better and better! We were cruising north along Vancouver Island and entered Blackfish Sound where we encountered a large number of Steller sea lions hauled-out on the rocks. I counted 40 before they started diving into the water and I could not keep a good count. We watched the sea lions for a while and moved further into the sound where we found ourselves in the middle of a huge humpback whale picnic. The humpbacks put on a great show for us by breaching, slapping flukes, waving pectoral fins, and generally cavorting like kids at a picnic. Humpback whales surrounded us! We could see them from fore, aft, and amidships.

The afternoon found us in Alert Bay warmly welcomed by the ‘Namgis people. We explored the U’mista Cultural Center where we watched a film and saw artifacts relating to the ceremonial activities known as the potlatch. We were then treated to a sampling of songs and dances in full regalia by the ‘Namgis youth illustrating the ceremonies that take place during a potlatch. To top off an exciting afternoon we were treated to barbequed salmon and fry bread with blackberry jam. Yum!