Today was yet another terrific day in Costa Rica! The sun came up over the forested hills with high piles of clouds turning pink as we sailed to the Caletas Reserve. We headed to shore aboard our expedition landing crafts and embarked on morning adventures. Some folks wandered along the shoreline looking for birds and were rewarded with views of toucans and scarlet macaws. Others climbed atop horses and enjoyed a beach ride with the surf crashing nearby. Long hikers traversed a series of hills, braving many leaf-cutter ant trails along the way and encountered a rambunctious group of spider monkeys leaping between trees and tossed branches at their audience. We had a picnic lunch on shore featuring a delicious collection of salads, fruits and brownies.
After lunch we repositioned the ship to Corcovado National Park, the gem of the Osa Peninsula. We landed our expedition landing crafts at San Pedrillo and groups split up for afternoon operations. Some folks hiked a trail along the coastline searching for birds and mammals while the rest trekked up a river to see (and swim under) a waterfall. There was much splashing and photography, and an impromptu synchronized swimming team emerged to perform for our videographer.
After a splendid dinner our National Geographic photographer, Jeff Mauritzen, presented a talk on lighting. We later went to bed and were lulled to sleep by the gentle rocking of the ship.