What a beautiful way to start the day! With bellies full of bean cakes, we landed at Scenery Cove, rearing to stretch our legs in the gorgeous Alaskan rain forest. Continuing to embrace the anomalously warm, sunny weather, hikers clamored up the rocky beach, to find a soft, luscious forest floor inviting them in, cloaked in mossy greenery. Thick, misty air gave way to the roaring Cascade Creek as we interpreted the natural history of the rich scenery, blazed up the stony steps, snapped some photos, or a combination of the three.

It was particularly easy to take a moment and appreciate how lucky each and every one of us were to look up into the forest canopy while sunbeams pierced through outstretched branches and birds sang melodious songs. Whether we were crouched looking at black-tailed deer tracks impressed in the mud, crossing the wooden bridge above the roaring whitewater of waterfalls, or adjusting tripods to get that perfect shot, it was a truly serene morning.

The barnacle bespeckled beach in our wake, we set sail in pursuit of Petersburg. Some guests were happy to employ new means of exploration in the region utilizing aviation for an aerial perspective. They took to the skies and watched as their travel companions became mere specks below, while glorious views of the Le Conte glacier and snow-capped mountains filled the horizon.

Others opted to see the small fishing community of Petersburg up close, in motion, atop bicycles or walking through the new avenues. A brief expedition landing craft ride across the bay to Kupreanof Island acquainted folks with the intriguing ecosystem of a muskeg bog. Though the soils are nutrient-poor, the sights were rich with natural wonders! Marvelous vegetation such as the insectivorous sundews, glistened in the sunlight as our wellness specialist, Michelle, led some similarly glistening aerobic walkers. By the time everyone mixed and matched all of their afternoon activities, we were ready to head back out on the sea. Dr. McDougall gave another captivating lecture just before dinner.

Not ready to end the longest day of the year just yet, we celebrated the solstice with the first Recap of the trip, a few cocktails, and even whale tails.