The Amazon. We are here! And wow, what a start. Poison dart frogs, sloths, parrots, snakes, monkeys, and hawks. All of this, and it is only our first day.

After our journey up and over the Andes yesterday, we explored the Marañon River today. Early in the morning and late in the afternoon we boarded the skiffs to search for wildlife on two different blackwater streams that wind into the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. And in the morning, we walked in the terra firme forest to search for critters and learn about the forest. Mid-day saw us relaxing in absolute comfort on board the Delfin II, weaving our way upriver to our afternoon destination.

In all of this, we were amazed by the life here. In the forest, the variety of trees astounds. We learn of the many uses of the trees here by the locals, as well of some of the aspects of the ecology of various plants. Local guides bring little gems of discovery for us to learn and photograph. Throughout the day, birds surround us, both vocally and visually. A sloth is spotted, and miraculously scampers up a tree at record speed. And a few monkeys wet our appetites for more to come.

As we settle into our beds post-dinner, an intense lightning storm lights the sky. What shall tomorrow bring?