The great Amazon forest received us with no rain! What an opportunity to explore this ecosystem in the early hours before breakfast and admire the dazzling wildlife of the region. This massive greenery is home to a vast number of creatures. All you need to do to see them is just go outside!

We boarded the fleet of skiffs before breakfast to explore Pahuachiro creek. This place is home to many types of colorful birds, monkeys and a diversity of trees. Many of them are bearing fruits and animals frequent them for foraging. At the time we started our journey we encountered cardinals, wood peckers, iguanas and monkeys!

After breakfast we disembarked at Casual Forest, here we were received by the local guides who are guardians of the forest. They took us for a walk-in search of the creatures of the forest. it just took a few minutes for them to show up with tarantulas, dart frogs, a sloth later on they had spotted an anaconda and invited us to see it. This walk was an amazing show of the nature of the rainforest.

In the afternoon we explored a different place of the reserve.This time we explored a small black water creek called Nauta. Here, we went kayaking and we explored the flooded forest from skiffs. The sun was shining and there was a beautiful light on the forest. There were also many types of animals. Our first sighting was a pair of scarlet macaws! As we explored there were more sightings. Squirrel monkeys, horned screamers, wattled jacanas and the highlights were the Black collared hawks and a group of monk saki monkeys!