Today we woke up for an early walk at Espumilla Beach in Santiago Island. This island was a good place to see a mature forest of the common incense tree, typical of the lowlands of the Galapagos. The walk was invigorating and informative about the birds that we could find along the walk, such as Darwin’s finches, mockingbirds, flycatchers, Galapagos dove and even a Galapagos hawk, the top predator in this ecosystem.

At noon, after an amazing snorkeling and kayaking session along the coast of Buccaneer’s Cove, we navigated toward Puerto Egas, an outstanding lava landscape in the south part of Santiago Island. Here we had another amazing walk along the shore where we had the chance to see the two species of sea lions, the Galapagos sea lion and the fur seal. We also observed marine iguanas and sea birds such as great blue herons, lava heron, night heron, American oystercatchers, blue footed boobies, etc. We ended the day with an incredible sunset that we enjoyed before we headed back to the National Geographic Endeavour II.