We awoke on board National Geographic Sea Lion cruising along the eastern shore of Chichagof Island in the presence of humpback whales. After dropping the anchor in Freshwater Bay we enjoyed our time exploring the forest and water around Pavlof Harbor. While some kayaked others hiked up alongside the raging waterfall where they gained a greater appreciation for the physical feat the salmon will later endure when they return to their natal spawning grounds.

Spring flood conditions made for wet feet (and high water) as we hiked along the river’s edge on approach to the lake. En route we stopped and admired an impressive beaver lodge and learned about the biology of Castor canadensis and the role North America’s largest rodent played in the history of early economics when beaver felt hats were all the fashion. The elusive banana slug finally appeared on the scene and we probably learned more than we ever wanted to know about their unusual reproduction.

Heading back to the ship we found the impressive jawbone of a salmon that obviously had been dragged into the forest by the brown bears that must covet this area when the salmon are running. Not only did we learn about the fascinating morphological changes salmon experience during the spawn but walked away with a greater appreciation of the salmon in the trees (the oceanic nitrogen isotopes absorbed via decomposing salmon carcasses along salmon streams).

The day progressively got more beautiful and heading south in Chatham Strait our expedition leader announced we were bound for a destination to which none of us had been. Loading into our small boats we explored an inlet that cuts deeply into Admiralty Island near the small town of Angoon. Navigating strong currents we explored the shoreline of Kootzhahoo Inlet and felt blessed by the opportunity to explore in the sunshine the waterways that surround the amazing National Monument that is Admiralty Island.

Returning to the ship, it was not long before we were underway and surrounded by orcas…..the perfect ending to another epic day!