We awoke on board Jahan outside the town of Chau Doc near a colorful array of fish farms painted in rainbow hues. We boarded sampans (local boats) to go ashore in the bustling fishing port of Chau Doc. We explored the local market filled with fish, fruits, and fresh flowers. After a stroll through the market, we hopped on trishaws, the Chau Doc version of the cyclo, for a drive around town. Next, we boarded the sampans again to visit one of the local fish farms where they raise barb fish.

After boarding Jahan, we cruised through the man-made Tan Chau Canal. Everyone went out on deck as we made our way down the narrow channel connecting two main portions of the Mekong River. Our photography instructor, Anna Mazurek, had a photography presentation before lunch. During the presentations, we crossed the border into Cambodia.

After lunch, Archaeologist Julia Esteve gave a talk titled “Religions of Vietnam and Cambodia.” The galley team offered a cooking lesson in the dining room about how to prepare spring rolls and Cambodian chicken amok.