We wake up and see beautiful weather outside.

Another adventure waits, and this time we are in the middle of the Galapagos. After breakfast we are ready for the first activity of the day which consists of a Zodiac ride along the coast of Santiago Island and Chinese Island where sometimes penguins can be seen. We cannot believe our eyes here; penguins are just everywhere, land and water.  Other wonderful wildlife comes our way as we Zodiac in between these two islands. Herons, of all kinds and sizes, are found along with marine iguanas and sea lions.

After this we come back on board to change and get ready for snorkeling at the same place we explored by Zodiac earlier. As soon as we enter the water we marvel to the exquisite underwater life of this site. Galápagos penguins in the water are catching fish right in front of our eyes and our cameras, and they are so agile and fast that they fly through the water. They just put on a show.

Another unusual thing was to find colorful fish of the tropics together with cold water fish and overall, to see penguins and reef sharks sharing the same habitat. This was just an unbelievable outing.

A little before lunch we navigated close to a nearby island with a brackish water lagoon where flamingoes can be seen very often. We saw about 20 pinkies there.

Bottle-nosed dolphins showed up as we were watching the flamingoes, some jumping to meet the boat and to bow ride with it.

We navigated to our next location, Sullivan Bay, which is mostly made of fresh pahoehoe lava formed about 120 years ago. This allows us to witness the process of colonization of plants and animals of a newly formed place. This lava has incredible shapes and it’s amazing to be walk here and experience it. Animals like lava lizards and plants like lave cactus are among the very few that can sustain life in this barren environment.

It was another incredible day in the Galápagos.