We awoke this morning to blue skies and calm seas as National Geographic Orion made her way through the Cook Strait towards our afternoon destination. The ocean was so calm that albatrosses and gannets were stranded flightless on the water, as there was not enough wind for them to fly. New Zealand fur seals occasionally rested on the surface of the water as well. What a magnificent crossing from the North Island to the South Island of New Zealand, and in absolutely perfect conditions!

After lunch, we disembarked to Abel Tasman National Park. Three hundred years after Abel Tasman first sighted this beautiful location, the park was designated in 1942 at the height of World War II! Our groups hiked and kayaked in this beautiful national park with its golden beaches and beautiful second-generation forest. Back on National Geographic Orion, we were treated to a scrumptious dinner, a fitting end to a beautiful day!