Another great morning on Sea Cloud! I got up early in the morning for one of my favorite views. Delos was straight ahead and aglow. The walls of the ancient ruins and the port were clearly visible. I am such a great fan of this ancient Greek city and sanctuary. I dashed through breakfast and took as many pictures as possible before we got in our tenders to reach the port.

The walk through the ancient neighborhood of the theatre revealed old doorways, staircases, houses and beautiful mosaics. We tried to recreate the image of an ancient Greek house in our minds. The marble all along the ruins dominates the site.

We stopped at the temple of Apollo, where we studied the 4 temples dedicated to the god of light and poetry.

Taking a break from the heat, we stopped in at the tiny coffee shop for a cool juice and to pet the local cats who seem so tame yet without a real home. Inside the museum, we found cats of another kind: the famous stone lion statues of Delos.

Many guests choose to climb all the way to the top of Mt. Kithnos for the spectacular view of the Cycladic Islands. We walked around the ancient holy lake and took pictures of the palm tree, where the gods were born.

After a wonderful morning we were back onboard the ship for a great lunch. We sailed to Amorgos on the edge of the Cycladic Islands. The sea was so beautiful and the winds allowed us to study the crew up on the masts. Of course Sea Cloud looked spectacular!

The night found us at the little, safe port of Katapola in Amorgos, where we had a wonderful dinner under the stars. The moon was rising as the sun was setting in the Aegean. Another magical end to a glorious day!