Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight–a beautiful morning saw us exploring the island either individually or on a walk with Konia. She pointed out the main sights like Canna house, the three churches, the medieval prison tower, and finished off at the Celtic Cross (dating back to the 10th century) and the ancient pillory stone. There was also time to just sit and drink in the peace and quiet before we set off for our sail to Tobermory. Before lunch David Barnes our expedition leader and historian spoke to us about Celtic Christianity in preparation for our visit to Iona tomorrow.

After lunch we arrived into Tobermory on the island of Mull. We could explore the local distillery on a tour and still enjoy a stroll through Tobermory. It has colourful houses and lovely shops, the chocolate shop in particular proved to be a hit.

After dinner representatives of the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust came on board to inform and entertain us with a talk about these amazing creatures. There are quite a few marine mammals in these waters, yesterday a good sized pod of bottlenose dolphins had been spotted over dinner and today a minke whale was spotted by some.

And whilst the lights of Tobermory twinkled in the bay we laid our heads to rest with many a happy thought of another special day spent aboard Lord of the Glens.