Many enjoyed the sunrise aboard National Geographic Sea Lion atop the sundeck, where we glanced toward the horizon during stretch class. Shortly thereafter the sun firmly implanted itself into the morning sky and we began our activities.

The highlight of our morning was a cruise through the El Barril mangrove. Many opted to paddle themselves in kayaks while others decided to take guided cruises in Zodiacs with our naturalists. The mangroves are a birder’s delight, a place where herons, egrets, kingfishers, and terns abound. Following presentations from Naturalist Emily Mall and myself, we cruised through the Hull Canal toward Puerto Lopez Mateos, birding and dolphin watching along the way.

Later, we settled into the forward lounge where our hotel department staged a Mexican fiesta complete with local cuisine and authentic music from Los Coyotes. It was a wonderful, festive day and among the highlights of my Lindblad career.