National Geographic Resolution is making her way back to civilization, crossing the notorious Drake Passage from the Antarctica Peninsula towards South America. The past week has been filled with so many amazing moments that we all need a few days just to process the experience. Bubble-net-feeding humpback whales, countless penguin chicks, kayaking, hot chocolate in Zodiacs, towering glaciers and mirror-flat bays, sharing an ice walk with crabeater seals — the list goes on.

A day at sea is relaxing for most, and perhaps queasy for others. A few birds accompanied the ship for a while before returning to their own search for food or more favorable winds. For the guests, it was a chance to sort some photos, or visit the bridge, or take a well-earned nap. One more day, and we will have to return to the part of the planet that is dominated by humans, rather than the one we are leaving, which belongs to the wildlife.