On this beautiful Monday morning, we awoke near the Five Fingers Lighthouse to watch humpback whales bubble net feed. All guests and staff were in a state of awe as a group emerged and lunged for herring just off the bow. After well over an hour of viewing these amazing whales, we said goodbye as the ship turned towards Endicott Arm and guests filed into breakfast.

At Endicott Arm, the beauty of the steep fjord walls and U-shaped valleys were appreciated as we neared Dawes Glacier in Zodiacs. Many harbor seals and their pups were hauled out on ice, and a small harbor porpoise was spotted. The glacier itself did not disappoint, as we witnessed a significant calving and appreciated the bright blue colors of the ice on this sunny day.

The day wrapped up with an interesting and informative talk by Naturalist Alex Tice about the pinnipeds of Southeast Alaska.