Today aboard National Geographic Venture we experienced a captivating journey through Glacier Bay National Park, where every moment unfolded with breathtaking scenery and wildlife encounters. Our expedition commenced with the graceful presence of humpback whales gliding through the icy waters. Their serene dives near the vessel offered a glimpse into their mysterious underwater world, reminding us of the park's rich marine life.

Navigating towards Gloomy Knob, we marveled at mountain goats scaling the rugged cliffs with remarkable agility. Against the backdrop of snow-capped peaks, these nimble creatures epitomized the resilience of wildlife in this pristine environment.

The highlight of the day was our encounter with the majestic glaciers of Glacier Bay. Marjorie, Lamplugh, Reid, and Johns Hopkins Glaciers stood before us, their massive ice faces shimmering under the Arctic sun. The sight of these ancient ice formations was a testament to the park's glacial history and environmental significance.

At South Marble Island our bird enthusiasts were treated to sightings of puffins gracefully navigating the waters, their colorful bills adding vibrancy to the serene landscape. Along the rocky shores, harbor seals and Steller sea lions found respite, completing the diverse tableau of Glacier Bay’s coastal wildlife.

As we sailed back, the memories of today’s discoveries linger, reminding us of Glacier Bay’s unparalleled beauty and ecological importance.