As we entered the spectacular Endicott Arm, a moose was spotted on shore. We slowly approached and got awesome views of a male moose grazing on algae in the intertidal zone. From there, we continued up into the ice, observing some of the most breathtaking scenery on the planet. After boarding our fleet of Zodiacs, we advanced closer to the face of Dawes Glacier. Here, amongst a sea of blue ice, we observed some calving of ice off the glacier. Some folks even got to witness massive shooters launching skyward from underwater.

After lunch and chocolate chip cookies, it was time for the polar plunge. Many explorers, young and old, decided to test the waters. With icebergs drifting by, we plunged into the chilly waters with smiles all around. All too soon, we headed out of the fjord, passing whales and eagles as we headed toward Juneau.