National Geographic Endeavour II started its expedition in the Galapagos in earnest exploring Española, the most southeastern island of the archipelago.

During the morning, we explored Gardner Bay’s underwater world while snorkeling at nearby Gardner Islet. Later on, we joined other guests at Gardner Bay beach where endemic Galapagos sea lions basked in the sun.

While sailing along the northern coast of the island in route to Punta Suarez we were escorted by a pod of bottle-nosed dolphins. As we landed on Punta Suarez we were greeted by playful sea lion pups frolicking in the shallows as marine iguanas slowly made their way back onto dry land after grazing in the shallows as the tide came in. As we made our way around the inland trail soon we came across the largest birds in the Galapagos. The wave albatross, which only breeds on Española. To the surprise of some naturalists that have visited recently some guests got to see a few young chicks that weren’t spotted in our previous visit.

All in all, just an amazing day in one of most special corners of this archipelago.