Guests onboard National Geographic Endeavour II spent the day exploring Fernandina and Isabela Islands. Photography enthusiasts left early for a hike at Punta Espinoza to catch the morning light. Photo instructors came along for the hike to give pointers to guests on how to get the perfect shot of marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, Galapagos hawks, and even racer snakes. We discussed the evolutionary history and behavioral ecology of these remarkable creatures, unique to the Galapagos archipelago. There were many young marine iguanas throughout the site, some of which fell prey to racer snakes and Sally Lightfoot crabs right before our eyes.

After exploring the terrestrial side of Fernandina, we changed into our snorkel gear and submerged ourselves into the marine realm of this exceptional visitors’ site. Guests observed many green sea turtles, tropical fishes, and marine iguanas grazing upon green algae. Some lucky snorkelers even swam with Galapagos penguins and some playful sea lions. After lunch, a lecture on Charles Darwin was held in the lounge, along with kids’ educational activities and a photography workshop.

In the afternoon, we set out on the Zodiacs for a sunset cruise around Punta Vicente Roca. This area of Isabela is home to large numbers of resting green sea turtles. Guests also observed blue footed boobies, and Galapagos fur seals, brown noddies, swallow-tailed gulls, and Nazca boobies. We discussed some of the spectacular geological formations of this site, including volcanic ash and dykes. Photo instructors accompanied us on the cruise, offering pointers on how to capture great shots on a moving vessel. We ended the day with a wine tasting celebration on the observation deck as we crossed the equator.