As the sun came up over Isabela Island, we spotted several tropical whales. After breakfast, we landed on Punta Espinosa on Fernandina Island, the youngest and pristine island of the Galapagos. We walked along Pahoe-hoe lava fields until reaching an Ah-ah Lava field. During the walk, we spotted lava cactus, marine iguanas, sea turtles, hawks, flightless cormorants, herons, sea lions, spotted eagle rays, and penguins. Unusually orcas were also seen right next to the visitor site. After the visit, we went snorkeling with California sea lions, pacific green turtles and marine iguanas.

In the afternoon, we visited Punta Vicente Roca where after a dingy ride along the shoreline we sailed on board the National Geographic Endeavour II to cross the equatorial line while wine tasting on the sun deck.