Today we reached the western area of the Galapagos Archipelago, an area that is known for its nutrient-rich waters and the abundance of life that it sustains. Early in the morning we spotted an aggregation of around one hundred common dolphins, a great way of starting our day. After a delicious breakfast, we celebrated a warm ceremony for crossing the Equator line. Later on, we took a zodiac ride along the volcanic landscape of north Isabela Island. The geological features and the great amount of birds and sea lions made this ride really exciting. To end up our morning with another adventure, we snorkeled on Punta Vicente Roca, a great site to spot dozens of green sea turtles swimming around us. After lunch, we worked with our Global Explorers to produce a short movie trailer as part of our educational experiences on board and in the field. In the afternoon, we navigated south to visit Fernandina Island. This island has the greatest number of marine iguanas in the world, and is a fascinating opportunity for wildlife and landscape photography. To end up our day, we enjoyed a wine tasting on upper deck while enjoying an awesome sunset.