Today our activities aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II began at Urbina Bay, where we had an amazing journey during our morning hike, spotting more than fifteen Alcedo giant tortoises! There were every were! During our time in the area, we also saw many land iguanas basking at the sun and eating the vegetation. After the hike, we had time to go to the beach to relax and refresh for a bit.

During our navigation to Tagus Cove, we were listening to a fascinating lecture on Charles Darwin, when we were interrupted because the Captain announced that a blue whale had been spotted near our ship! This is a rare occasion, to witness the world’s largest mammal firsthand. Once at Tagus Cove, we went snorkeling, paddleboarding and kayaking with sea lions, penguins and sea birds.

Our day ended with a nice walk up to Tagus Cove, to admire the amazing view. The activities on the National Geographic Endeavour II never end, and we had a fantastic day from sunrise to sunset.