It is hard to believe that almost a week has gone by.

This morning, as is almost a tradition now on board the Delfin II, we woke up early morning to get into our skiffs before breakfast to explore the narrow streams and adjacent lagoons to the main river. The activity was very high at this ideal time of the day, and soon we started to find many birds, actively and noisily awakening. We arrived to the forest just in time to see groups of parrots as they chatted to each other, and soon afterwards flew into different directions of the forest in search for a meal.

At the beginning of our morning exploration, we had a brief visit of a little rain, not much really, but just enough to remind us of where we are, the rainforest, and how lucky we have been during this week without any rain to interfere with our activities. We headed further upstream to visit a section of dead trees, where due to the lack of foliage, we could easily spot and photograph the many active birds that like to use dead trees for nesting and roosting.

After spending midday back onboard the Delfin II, we repositioned to a different section of the river to explore some more, and to swim a little in the black, tannin-rich waters. It was a lovely, tranquil experience, to cool down in the Amazon River, floating with a cold beer in hand.

Later in the afternoon, we took the skiffs again to visit the small town of San Miguel, well known in the area for the quality of their hand-made crafts, for a last chance to purchase a souvenir and help a little the local economy. As we returned to our ship, we had a breathtaking view of a spectacular sunset. One last memory to cherish from our adventures in this remote place of the world.