San Cristobal Island was our host Island for our last day of exploration.  A comfortable wet landing at Punta Pitt was the best way to start our journey as we experienced the presence of different sea bird species flying over us.  At the moment of arrival a curious baby sea lion got our attention as it walked among us.  As soon as we got everything ready for exploration, we started our way up the cliff area in order to better appreciate the charms that Punta Pitt had available..  

Chatham mockingbirds, small ground finches, and mangrove warblers were the perfect combination for a marvelous land bird paradise.  Once we reached the highest point of the trail, a marvelous view of the landscape decorated with giant tuff cones impressed upon us how superb Mother Nature could be.  Frigate birds and nesting red-footed boobies along the cliff side made the perfect addition to the beautiful scenery. 

One of the smallest reptile species of the Galapagos is the lava lizard and San Cristobal Island has a lava lizard species of its own, so it was great to find these particular reptiles all over the trail area.  Once we came back to the area where we started, it was time for swimming.  Sharing the water with baby Galapagos sea lions was one of the most marvelous experiences we had during the week and today was our last chance with these amazing playmates.  

The afternoon activities were perfect to finish our expedition surrounded by nature.  Cerro Brujo was our host for this opportunity and from the very first moment we stepped foot on the Island, animals of different kinds were revealed to our eyes.  We saw great blue heron hunting crabs in the rocks, colorful sally light-foot crabs crawling on lava, and curious Galapagos sea lions were the perfect demonstration of nature.  Swimming took place one last time, but this time our companions were blue-footed boobies that shot like arrows as they plunged into the water near us.  The magnificence of the Galapagos Islands that was displayed today will remain in our memories for a lifetime.