We woke up to a magnificent view of Mount Pitt partially covered in a thin mist; the coast appeared to be surrounded by a white frothy line, the product of the swells gently kissing the shores of Punta Pitt. After breakfast we left for a coastal exploration and then landed on a golden colored sand beach to quickly prepare for our hike up to Mount Pitt. The weather conditions were perfect, slightly overcast with a cool breeze welcoming us to the summit.  The various views from the top were breathtaking, and as we made our way to the nesting site of the red-footed boobies, we were delighted to find a plethora of wildlife; we found several nesting blue-footed boobies incubating eggs, the endemic Chatham mockingbird, several Darwin finches and frigatebirds gliding over the steep cliffs of the mount. After enjoying a great and invigorating hike, we descended to the beach to begin the water activities in the turquoise bay at the foot of Mount Pitt. We had a great time snorkeling and swimming, and several sea lions pups escorted us along the way. What a great morning! s, the endemic Chatham mocking and lizards, since sealions scorted us along the way slightly overcast and a cool breeze

After lunch, the National Geographic Endeavor navigated to the southwestern region of Chatham Island to a quite impressive volcanic formation known as Cerro Brujo, or “wizard hill”. This is one of the most beautiful spots in the Galapagos and my personal favorite; a long white sand beach against the surrounding dark lava flows and turquoise waters creates a striking contrast. The place gives us the opportunity to enjoy a very scenic walk along the beach, watch sea birds plunge diving and swimming in a secluded bay. At the distance we have a glimpse of another beautiful volcanic formation known as Kicker Rock, and our keen photographers took advantage of the great lighting to immortalize the moment. What an incredible place to visit and an unforgettable expedition in the Galapagos. Fair winds, fair weather.