Our adventure began with an early morning stop at the island of Floreana, where the National Geographic Islander anchored at Punta Cormorant. Our explorers were ready to disembark at 6:30 in the morning. There is nothing better than an early morning expedition.

We landed on a sandy beach that is green due to the high concentration of pteridote, a gem-like silicate mineral. Not far from this disembarkation area is a brackish lagoon that is home to a flock of elegant pink flamingos. This lovely vision was completed by an unexpected rainbow. What could be more inspiring?

We then proceeded to other side of the peninsula called Punta Cormorant. Here on a white sand beach, we observed the nesting behavior of green sea turtles. But our time was short and had to head back to the ship for breakfast and the rest of our program.

Next, we took a Zodiac ride along Champion Islet, looking for one the most threatened species in the archipelago, the Floreana mockingbird. We succeeded in our quest! Afterward, we went deep-water snorkeling in the same location among sea lions and reef fish.

In the afternoon, we stopped by Post Office Bay to learn about human settlement in the archipelago. We saw some remnants left behind by whalers of the past and picked up some postcards left in a barrel by more recent visitors like us.

Our day ended with nicely prepared cocktails on the sundeck of the National Geographic Islander, the perfect setting to watch the sun set on the horizon of these delightful islands.