Today was spent on Floreana Island. We began with a prebreakfast outing to Punta Cormorant where we found blue-footed boobies close to the shoreline, several of them with chicks. After breakfast, there was a wonderful Zodiac ride to Champion Islet, a paradise for seabirds such as swallow-tailed gulls, red-billed tropic birds, Nazca boobies, and Galapagos shearwaters.

After some birdwatching, we changed and jumped into the water. Snorkeling in this location is like being inside an aquarium! Large schools of colorful fish and playful Galapagos sea lions surround you; it was fantastic. In the afternoon we visited the historical site known as Post Office Bay, and our guests enjoyed exchanging the postcards left by previous visitors.

For those still eager to get back in the water, there were two rounds of kayaking and paddleboarding at Baroness bay, where Pacific green sea turtles rest. We’ve had a wonderful day.