Sitkoh Bay and Chatham Strait

Early morning risers enjoyed watching a few brown bears meander their way along the intertidal zone of Sitkoh Bay, looking for breakfast. Soon we were off on our after-breakfast walk along an old logging trail in the Tongass National Forest. Evidence of animals were all around us… bear scat, deer tracks, squirrel middens and even banana slug slime! Back on board National Geographic Sea Bird, Flip Nicklin, National Geographic Photographer, gave a presentation on his work with marine mammals.

After lunch, we continued cruising Chatham Strait looking for whales. We were not disappointed… soon we were surrounded by several whales shallow feeding or “logging” in the water (resting just at the surface). Then… just before dinner a small group of orca appeared! What a great ending to another Alaskan day!

Harbor Seal
By Charlotte Hobbs, age 7
Harbor Seals are cute!
Have little faces like dogs.
I love them so much!

By Kaitlin Cartwright, age 11
Logging Whales
Adorable Seals Everywhere!
Swimming Salmon
Kayaking in the Water
Awesome Place to Visit!