I now belong to a higher cult of mortals, for I have seen the albatross.

This is a quote from Robert Cushman Murphy, who sailed to South Georgia aboard the brig Daisy for the American Museum of Natural History in the years 1911 through 1913.

The Caledonian Star is currently working her way through the Drake Passage with moderate seas and frequent fog. We are in the company of many seabirds: wandering, royal, black-browed, and gray-headed albatross, along with several species of petrel; Southern giant, blue, Wilson's storm-petrel, and black-bellied storm-petrel.

This morning we had as our introduction the Southern Ocean lecture from Stephen Lundgren, followed by Leanna Taylor's talk on flying seabirds of the Antarctic. This afternoon we had readings from early Antarctic explorers with Matt Drennan, and Captain Leif Skog's cocktail party and welcome dinner.