Yet another glorious sunny day greeted us as we continue our voyage east-northeast across the Atlantic. Other than a large pod of dolphins who skirted the ship just after dawn, no whales were spotted with the exception of the one that shadowed Bobbie Lubow at the bottom of the pool on her morning swim.
Everyone has settled nicely into the relaxing leisurely pace of sea travel, taking up position in their favorite deck chair with a good book after breakfast, rising only to attend the illustrated slide lecture program that the staff has put together. "The Portuguese (or were they the Italian?) Voyages of Discovery" was this morning's talk. We were reminded that Italian mariners in the employ of the Portuguese kings had been charting the coasts of Africa and sailing far out into the Atlantic for almost 200 years prior to Columbus' epic voyage.
In the afternoon, for a change of pace many of the guests joined the Third Officer on the bridge for a talk and demonstration on celestial navigation and the use of a sextant. During the cocktail hour the historians led a lively discussion about the origins of old nautical drinking expressions, most of which seem to be attributed to the Royal Navy. To complete our thoroughly relaxing day, "Saturday Night at the Movies" followed a sumptuous dinner.