Ten days at sea over the Atlantic can seem to be a long time. Well I guess this depends on what you make of the experience? Very soon after a few days at sea every one finds a pattern. Books to read, the constant watch for marine life, with periodic breaks to use the equipment in the gym, and of course, a mandatory afternoon nap. Why is it that at sea you are always hungry and tired?

Still, each day is assured of three highlights: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Our galley has been able to surprise us each day with something refreshingly original and creative. Of course we also have the ritual of daily afternoon tea, but today, St George's Day, our splendid baker surprised us with celebratory pancakes served with strawberry, blueberry or cranberry cream.

A delightful day, now only some 400 nautical miles from the most westerly of the Canary Islands. Maybe we will sight land tomorrow? Everyone onboard looks forward to seeing something green after all the water since Antigua. But we will not be home many weeks before that longing for the sea returns and beckons us to return.