Another magnificent day on the island with the best snorkeling in Galapagos!
Apart from the usual things on land, (flamingos at twenty yards), people who carried out the afternoon's walk at Punta Cormorant were also fortunate to see a couple of baby turtles on the flour beach there. Our Zodiac rides also enabled us sneak glimpses of golden rays and good views of feeding penguins!
Underwater, Champion Island and Devil's Crown were at their usual excellence. We were continuously graced with a wall of sea lions that would part and re-form behind us. They played with anything, including a sea star that proved a very good substitute for a basketball. Long periods were spent watching the sea lions darting in and out of a school of fish, which would, split then re-form again. The ultimate highlight, which was fortunately, caught with our underwater digital video camera, involved a green sea turtle being harassed by one of our young sea lion friends. When we're watching, the sea lions main interaction with other species is for enjoyment purposes only. Pulling at the flippers of the turtle, darting around us humans, juggling with a sea star, are all part of their endless playground.